Volume Rates
Volume Rates for Portable Fire Extinguishers
On Site Fire Protection has a special Volume Rate program targeted at Oilfield Services and Construction industries, meant to reduce costs and provide better cost assurance and budgeting. These rates are only available for work performed in our service center on Argyll Road in Edmonton.
The Highlights
-Volume Inspection Rate only $10 each
-Maintenance and Repair cost caps as low as $75 each
-Reduced price on Replacement Extinguishers
-10% off Accessories
Volume Rates
Base Rate: $15 per extinguisher
Orders of 20+: $10 per extinguisher
This is the rate for inspection and certification only. Some types of extinguisher require additional maintenance/testing on an annual basis, such as Cartridge Operated or CO2 units. Inspection charge includes a standard cardstock paper tag, upgrade to a weatherproof plastic certification tag is available for an additional charge, and is advisable for any unit that will not be permanently mounted inside a building.
Maintenance & Repair Cost Controls
Quoting batch orders of extinguisher maintenance is inefficient and inaccurate. To get around this problem we have implemented two levels of cost control. These controls only apply to Dry Chemical Stored Pressure extinguishers, which make up the vast majority of orders we see in our shop.
Individual Unit Price Cap
Orders of 20+: $125
If on inspecting an extinguisher it is apparent to our technician that the cost of maintenance and repair necessary to certify the unit will exceed the individual unit price cap, that unit will instead be marked condemned and not serviced unless specifically directed to by the client. If it is not apparent before completing the work, our admin staff will bill out the service at the capped rate instead of the actual(higher) cost.
Average Price Cap
Orders of 20+: $75
This average price cap means that the total cost of the order, including inspections, maintenance, repairs, and disposals(but not including replacements or accessories purchased) will not exceed the maximum average rate multiplied by the total number of units submitted as part of the order. An order of 20 units will not exceed $1500 of inspection and service work, and an order of 40 will not exceed $3000 of inspection and service work.
Discounts on Accessories & Replacements
As an added thank-you to our volume customers, we are now offering a discount on any accessories purchased in conjunction with a volume service order. Weather Covers, Vehicle Brackets, Cabinets, Signage and more will receive a 10% discount if purchased with a service order of 20 or more portable extinguishers. New extinguishers will be available at our volume purchase rate(regardless of quantity) if replacing a failed/condemned unit. The purchases can be invoiced separately on a separate PO if needed.